Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)
EnviroNova provides full service project management and technical capabilities in environmental site assessments, hazardous materials investigations, environmental planning and permitting, natural resources management, environmental engineering, and construction consulting services. With a record of more than 21-years serving many clients throughout the U.S. we have had extensive experience with planning and implementing a wide range of hazardous and solid waste management; site assessments for real estate transfers and development; site restoration, remedial design and construction; environmental engineering; air quality management; industrial hygiene; and regulatory compliance; asbestos, lead-based paint, hazardous material management, indoor air quality and mold, and industrial hygiene projects. As a full-service firm, we are equipped to handle all phases of operating facility projects, from initial evaluations and analyses, permitting, through the design and final phases of construction, and post-construction monitoring.
Operating facility projects require the integration of input from a broad range of scientific, environmental, and engineering disciplines. EnviroNova has developed an integrated approach to performing operating facility projects for clients ranging from local, state, and federal agencies to private entities in sampling, planning, designing, and construction of operating facility abatement solutions.
EnviroNova's long-term success has been built on a strong foundation in the operating facility services, environmental, and health and safety consulting fields. EnviroNova's comprehensive in-house capabilities are focused on giving our clients complete, practical, and cost-effective solutions to their operating facility needs. EnviroNova's hallmark is performance management resulting in long-term solutions that are technically, environmentally, and economically sound and satisfy the needs of our clients, regulators, and the public.
The sections below briefly describe EnviroNova's capabilities and experience as they relate to asbestos containing material management, lead-based paint management, hazardous material management, indoor air quality and mold, and industrial hygiene services.
EnviroNova is a leader in quick and cost-effective site characterizations and innovative remedial actions. EnviroNova has developed efficient, cost-effective scopes of work that meet regulatory requirements for a wide range of environmental projects throughout California. EnviroNova has the capacity and demonstrated experience to evaluate the most cost-effective approach to providing the necessary data to achieve client and regulatory objectives.
Scopes of work are developed by first collecting and then evaluating previous investigations along with available literature, photos and maps. A work plan is then developed to document the scope and the ways in which it will achieve regulatory objectives while incorporating client requirements. Typical elements of a scope of work that are documented in the work plan include the overall objective of the project along with the specific objectives of each task, the specific technologies to be used, field procedures, sampling and analysis details, regulatory and/or client QA/QC requirements, health and safety requirements, access or property specific constraints, data quality objectives, data management objectives, data evaluation, reporting deliverables, project management requirements such as meeting schedules or administrative provisions, and overall schedule constraints.
Work plans for simple projects can be as short as a few pages. For complex projects, work plans may be lengthier, requiring formal documentation of standard operating procedures or other scope-specific approaches. EnviroNova work plans include creative, cost-cutting approaches that fulfill the objectives yet reduce schedule, cost, or both. Such approaches may include HydroPunch sampling instead of permanent wells, analyzing soil gas to optimize well locations, using geophysical techniques to minimize intrusive site investigation activities, using mobile labs, and using field screening techniques such as immunoassay. When the results of a first phase investigation indicate the need for additional data collection, EnviroNova can develop follow-up work plans efficiently through open communication with the client and the regulators to achieve the overall project objectives as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
The objective of a field sampling and analysis program is to collect comprehensive, representative, and accurate data necessary to perform a characterization task, whether a site inspection, a remedial investigation, data acquisition in support of a treatability study, or monitoring of trends or system performance. EnviroNova has performed sampling and analysis efforts at thousands of sites throughout the world, and routinely designs and conducts sampling programs for various environmental media including air, soil, sediment, surface water, groundwater, and biota.
EnviroNova considers two elements critical to the success of any sampling program: 1) defining the purpose and objectives of the sampling and analytical program, and 2) the method of sampling, sample shipping, custody, and the specific analytical method to be used. EnviroNova also recognizes the need to coordinate with our clients to ensure that field programs do not unnecessarily interfere with operations and to prevent or minimize disruptions to field activities.
As part of all field work activities and in accordance with health and safety (H&S) policies, EnviroNova performs clearance of underground utilities using equipment and experienced crews. EnviroNova also performs screening of biological resources and historical and cultural resources, as appropriate.
EnviroNova has conducted numerous soil and sediment sampling programs to assess media properties and the nature and extent of contamination. Development of a cost-effective sampling program must consider opportunities for incorporating innovative screening techniques such as soil gas sampling, direct-push sampling methodologies, and mobile laboratories to support sound decisions in the field.
EnviroNova employs traditional groundwater characterization methods, while continually seeking opportunities to introduce innovations and improvements in sampling and characterization techniques. For example, HydroPunch sampling is a cost-effective technique that permits sampling without the expense of installing monitoring wells.
EnviroNova has employed HydroPunch sampling at a number of sites. In all cases where HydroPunch sampling is used, the objectives of the sampling were considered to ensure that the data would be of adequate quality for decision making. EnviroNova has designed and installed monitoring and production wells and has extensive experience with our drilling subcontractors in hydrogeologic environments throughout the Bay Area.
An efficient laboratory program is critical to the success of any field sampling and analysis program. Laboratory analyses must be accurate and results must be delivered on time and in accordance with data requirements. When selecting a laboratory, EnviroNova strongly considers a laboratory's past performance, particularly the laboratory's internal data validation and quality assurance procedures. EnviroNova conducts laboratory audits to ascertain the adequacy of these procedures to ensure that a laboratory can produce high-quality data on a routine basis. Following receipt of a laboratory data, EnviroNova performs data validation activities to confirm the laboratory's performance has met established goals and that the data are reliable.
The analysis and interpretation of site data are crucial to the accuracy of the site investigation results, risk assessments, the identification of remediation goals, and the effectiveness of the remedial design. While conventional analytical methods are generally adequate for a simple fuel or chemical spill, for more complex projects, EnviroNova can use advanced statistical analysis and computer modeling methods to predict and evaluate contaminant movement, exposure, health risks, and the effect of remedial systems.
EnviroNova has performed a broad range of remedial actions from small USTs projects to large military bases, with a wide variety of contaminants. EnviroNova routinely uses innovative and creative technical approaches, as well as well-established technologies, to quickly and cost-effectively remediate sites and return them to productive use.
Remedial approaches are developed on a site-specific basis taking into consideration the current and individual land uses, action levels based on those uses, and the best and most economic remedial technologies. As such, each site remediation is unique. In all uses, the overall objective is to bring the site to case closure in as timely and economic a fashion as possible.
Building owners and managers are required to protect their employees and tenants from exposure to air-borne asbestos fibers, as mandated by OSHA and EPA regulations, issued under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP); the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA); Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act (ASHARA); OSHA (General Industry and Construction Standards); and State and local ordinances.
Current regulations require owners to determine locations of asbestos containing material (ACM) to evaluate the exposure risk to people who live or work in the building, to implement measures to minimize exposure risk, and to notify potentially effected individuals. When ACMs are identified, there are two options: in-place management, or removal. EPA regulations require removal only when renovation or demolition activities will create a potential for significant airborne releases of asbestos fibers. Conducting asbestos removal work in operating buildings can be complex, because occupants often choose to remain in the building as work progresses.
EnviroNova is a leader in asbestos management and has considerable experience in all facility settings. Our staff of EPA-AHERA certified building inspectors, management planners, designers, project managers, and industrial hygienists provide cost-effective asbestos management services for business, industry, government, medical, and educational institutions.
With years of experience and hundreds of projects, EnviroNova's well-developed standard procedures always ensure a professionally managed project, conducted in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. EnviroNova's asbestos management services include the following areas:
PROJECT SCOPING AND PROGRAMMING. Before beginning abatement work, EnviroNova performs considerable scoping and programming efforts. These scoping efforts allowed EnviroNova to identify all the key elements of the project, significantly improving the schedule and cost estimates at the early stages of the project.
SITE PLANNING AND ANALYSIS. Site planning and analysis is a key part of many of our projects. EnviroNova develops the basic site use requirements and conceptual site layouts. This includes a listing of activities proposed to occur at the site on the basis of existing uses, ancillary facilities, and proposed future activities.
INVESTIGATIONS OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TESTING PROGRAMS. EnviroNova personnel have been conducting hazardous materials investigations for over sixteen years. EnviroNova's inspectors are well versed in how to focus an inspection on suspect materials and structures to be impacted by renovation activities and programs. Building surveys include a review of available record drawings, specifications, and reports; review of the seismic scheme and preliminary plans for the specific project to identify impacted areas, materials, and components; detailed sampling of suspected asbestos containing building materials (ACBMs); analysis of bulk samples; and estimation of quantities of identified ACBMs. Our inspectors conduct discreet initial and verification surveys to support renovation projects in occupied buildings without alarming or putting occupants at risk. Often such surveys are conducted after normal working hours.
ABATEMENT DESIGN APPROACH. EnviroNova's consultation services go beyond conducting surveys and preparing reports. EnviroNova's asbestos staff has also been involved in estimating the cost of asbestos projects and preparing technical asbestos abatement plans and specifications for numerous clients in both the public and private sectors. EnviroNova's abatement designs are performed in strict adherence to applicable federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to environmental releases, employee exposures, and handling and disposal of ACBM and other hazardous wastes. EnviroNova has provided asbestos abatement design services for many clients, including Shorenstein Realty Service, USACE, CA DMV, UCSF, UC Berkeley, Cushman Wakefield, CAC Real Estate Management, DPR Construction, Fairfield Suisun Unified School District and others. Our approach to providing quality design services is described herein.
EnviroNova does not feel that removal is the only solution to ACBM problems because poorly performed removal operations may actually raise fiber levels in a building after project completion. In addition, removal and replacement of ACBM frequently has the highest initial cost of the alternatives. Therefore, in developing remedial action recommendations for a project, EnviroNova feels it is essential to confer with the client to assess these factors and adapt the plan to suit conditions and objectives for each building.
EnviroNova will select response actions based on a number of evaluating factors, including hazard assessment, initial cost and long-term costs, life of the facility, and planned construction or renovation activities. In each phase of the critical selection process, EnviroNova will make recommendations only after conferring with the client. Our policy for asbestos investigation and design is to do it right the first time to avoid costly change orders.
Projects have ranged in size from small (<$5,000) to large, multi-million dollar projects. Projects have also ranged in scope from initial surveys of small warehouse buildings to renovation and abatement of large office buildings. Successful technical design and performance is guaranteed by the continued involvement of the selected Project Manager throughout all phases of the project. This commitment will begin from the initial building inspection to final clearance of the project, ensuring that all technical and design requirements have been met successfully.
EnviroNova has established program management capabilities for providing lead-based paint services. EnviroNova has lead-based paint inspectors, risk assessors, Certified Industrial Hygienists, and hazardous materials specialists who have successfully completed EPA and/or California Department of Health Services-accredited lead-based paint inspection and risk assessment courses. EnviroNova performs lead-based paint testing and risk assessment in accordance with the June, 1995 Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). For non-residential work, EnviroNova uses a similar protocol to provide a high degree of confidence in testing method, results, and interpretation. Analysis is done by AIHA/ELLAP-accredited laboratories. EnviroNova includes lead testing in all pre-renovation and pre-demolition hazardous material investigations. The results are included in contract documents to alert contractors to OSHA compliance requirements and to eliminate the potential for lead-related construction change-orders. EnviroNova is highly experienced in preparing lead abatement, in-place management, and lead-impacted construction specifications that feature the most cost-effective methods for each case.
EnviroNova's standard hazard identification reports include testing that details locations, components, paint description and condition, lead content test results, and a summary, which highlights or prioritizes findings based on lead content, condition, accessibility, and other site-specific factors. EnviroNova provides inspection, risk assessment, training, in-place management, abatement design, and abatement oversight services for commercial, residential, and government buildings and steel structures. Our staff our state-certified, knowledgeable, and experienced in all phases of this work.
PCBs. EnviroNova typically incorporates hazardous material surveying into pre-renovation or demolition asbestos investigations for efficiency. EnviroNova has vast experience in conducting environmental audits and inspections in buildings and normally considers materials such as PCBs (lighting ballasts, capacitors, and transformers), and mercury (fluorescent tubes), as well as other hazardous materials. Other materials, although less likely to be found in any significant quantity, are also possible construction interferences and can be handled by EnviroNova's inspection and abatement design staff.
MERCURY. Under certain conditions and quantities, fluorescent tubes represent a possible hazardous material/waste problem, which can be readily handled through a recycling approach.
OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALSs. EnviroNova's inspection team is highly qualified to detect, analyze, and evaluate any suspect hazardous material interference. Our company includes personnel experienced in investigating subsurface hazardous substance conditions, including the presence of underground storage tanks, soil, and ground water contamination. We are also experienced in developing mitigation plans and conducting air monitoring as necessary to protect workers, occupants, and the environment.
EnviroNova prepares a variety of comprehensive environmental safety and health programs directed toward protecting employees and the public from hazards, minimizing workers compensation and other liability claims, and complying with regulatory requirements and industry standards. We are experienced in developing, auditing, updating, and supporting environmental safety and health programs for clients in a variety of settings, including office buildings, oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, chemical, electronics, laboratories, distribution, retail, transportation, utilities, hospitals, and universities.
EnviroNova's industrial hygienists and safety professionals have the experience needed to identify, evaluate, and control occupational hazards. Using the results of comprehensive facility audits and specific job hazard analyses, we can help clients develop programs that include administrative controls, safety procedures, self-inspection and monitoring mechanisms, and incentive programs to achieve compliance and loss-control objectives. We develop strategies that meet our client's needs in a manner consistent with their overall business goals, budget, and schedule.
With experience in the industrial, construction, and government sectors, we recognize that there are often administrative, behavioral, and cultural obstacles to workplace safety. For this reason, we emphasize that quantification of workplace hazards does not in itself satisfy a client's needs. At EnviroNova we strive to characterize hazards in terms that everyone can understand. Then we devise practical solutions and implement them through management consulting and training programs.
Alterations in building construction and operation practices over the past decades have all too frequently caused unintended adverse impacts on indoor air quality (IAQ). Unfortunately, only limited regulatory guidance exists for maintaining healthy breathing environments in commercial and institutional buildings and scientific advisory standards have been slow to emerge. Evolving OSHA rules could dramatically impact many building operations, even though many types of IAQ problems are poorly understood. This has left building owners and managers in the difficult position of relying on two major approaches to problem resolution: Identifying a competent IAQ expert, or settling potential claims in court. In either case, it is important to identify qualified experts to assist when needed. Indoor environmental quality problems are truly interdisciplinary, highly technical, and usually politically sensitive. Resolving IAQ problems and designing effective preventive strategies require an understanding of building design and construction, building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems performance, airflow patterns inside and outside of buildings, dynamic behavior of pollutants within and around a building, indoor microbiology, pollutant health effects, and social aspects of IAQ problems. EnviroNova provides comprehensive problem-solving by including experts in architecture, mechanical engineering, and industrial hygiene, and scientists with extensive experience in IAQ problem-solving. EnviroNova identifies the root causes of IAQ and HVAC problems in order to develop a set of "quick fix" corrective actions and a list of long-term approaches to restoring and maintaining a healthy indoor environment for building occupants. Resulting benefits include improved employee health and productivity, reduced maintenance costs, and extended building life-time. Indoor air quality services offered by EnviroNova include:
OSHA and the EPA have promulgated a variety of regulations for industrial hygiene programs to protect the health of workers. Understanding and complying with these ever evolving rules can be a challenge for property owners, who need to be aware of potential threats posed by worker environments, technology or equipment usage, hazardous materials handling, and occupant safety, maintenance staff operations, and other regulated dangers. Aside from the need to ensure safety, property owners must also protect the corporate and public image of their facilities. In practice, these issues are often closely intertwined. The potential risks make it imperative for affected companies to implement comprehensive, well-documented industrial hygiene and health & safety programs, and to guard against hazards that might endanger employee health, morale, or productivity. EnviroNova offers the expertise of a team of industrial hygiene and occupational health and safety consultants and technicians who routinely develop and implement thorough, cost-effective programs that meet all OSHA, EPA, and related regulations. EnviroNova's operating facilities professionals can assess worker exposures to physical agents, including noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and heat stress, as well as threats posed by airborne chemical contaminates, asbestos, lead-based paint, and indoor air quality problems.
EnviroNova's industrial hygiene and health & safety specialists strive to stay at the forefront of regulatory and technical developments, enabling them to define client compliance needs and recommend cost effective remedies and training programs to meet site-specific requirements. Industrial hygiene and occupational health & safety services offered by EnviroNova's include:
EnviroNova has additional capabilities that enhance the technical specialties required for operating facility projects. These capabilities include project management expertise, quality assurance/quality control, health and safety training.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT. EnviroNova's has broad experience in managing operating facility, engineering, and environmental projects throughout the United States. The firm is experienced in mobilizing teams of selected professionals to conduct multiple tasks simultaneously and has successfully managed projects ranging from small studies to large, multidisciplinary design and construction projects requiring multiple subcontractors.
The goal of EnviroNova's project management system is to provide quality service that is responsive to the client's needs, on time, and within budget.
QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL. EnviroNova performs engineering and environmental tasks under a rigorous Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program. This program has been established to provide thorough, consistent, high quality technical work on our projects. The overall objectives of the QA/QC program are to develop, implement, and document procedures for obtaining and evaluating project data and design calculations. To that end, project-specific QA procedures are developed as needed for all projects, and formal technical reports are reviewed by the sponsoring senior technical professional in the project, the Project Manager, and a technical peer reviewer.
Providing outsource support to JSR Microelectronics, a Photoresist chemical manufacturing facility located in Sunnyvale, California, since 1997. Manages facility operations for federal, state, and local environmental, health and safety (EH&S) compliance and regulatory correspondence. Provides Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) compliance and consulting for JSR in regards to development of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Product Labeling, preparation and submittal of Premanufacture Notice (PMN) and Low Volume Exemptions (LVE), TSCA Section 4,5, 8 and 12 reporting to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Providing outsource support to DPR Construction for the San Francisco and San Jose Offices since 2002. Providing oversight and air monitoring for asbestos, lead based paint, and microbial remediation projects. Performed environmental site assessment for large demolition and renovation projects.
Provided outsource support to Shorenstein Reality Service, a national property management and development firm headquartered in San Francisco, California from June of 2000 to December 2005 acting as the Shorenstein company’s Corporate Environmental Health and Safety Manager and managed facility operations for federal, state, and local environmental, health and safety (EH&S) compliance and regulatory correspondence. Provided Asbestos Operations and Maintenance program oversight with subcontractor interfacing and oversight as well as indoor air quality program management. Developed and implementing national EH&S manual and training program for the employees.
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: Skyline Construction
Supported a wide variety of facility operations with federal, state, and local environmental, health and safety (EH&S) compliance, and regulatory correspondence. For Waste Management, Inc.’s (WMI) largest hauling division, Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. (WMAC), which serves over 620,000 customers, he implemented WMI’s Environmental Health and Safety Business Strategy and Plan. Managed the special waste program, interfacing with customers to meet their waste disposal needs. Conducted and participated in site safety meetings and training, and he procured site safety equipment and managed facility security. Prepared reports and permits, including the facility Storm Water Monitoring Plan, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan, Hazardous Materials Business Plan, Waste Tire Permit, Emergency Management Plan, Hazardous Communication Plan, Right To Know, Injury Prevention Plan, hazardous waste transporter permits and fees, Solid Waste Hauling Permit, building and city permits, and corporate health and safety plans.
Completed regulatory, corporate, and internal audits of the EH&S system at WMAC, with no violations. Conducted EH&S facility audits in Hawaii and Los Angeles and received an Environmental Excellence Award for a 100 percent compliance on WMAC’s Corporate Audit.
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: Richlen Construction
Empire Waste Management (EWM) in Santa Rosa, California as an outsourced EH&S compliance manager. EWM consists of five separate facilities for which we were responsible for EH&S compliance. Directed EWM with the development and planning of their greenwaste processing facility move to a new site. EWM was able to provide comprehensive service for all of the hospitals in Sonoma County for proper onsite treatment and disposal of treated medical waste.
Performed environmental site assessment. Fifty-two-story office building in San Francisco, California in support of a real estate transaction. Client: Shorenstein Realty Services
Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) - Prepared HMBP for Silicon Valley chemical manufacturer that produces solder paste for microchip and circuit board production. Client: Senju Comtek Corporation
Prepared hazardous materials business plan for a Silicon Valley microchip manufacturer. Provided Proposition 65 compliance and reporting support for the facility. Client: Mektec
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: Charles Pankow Builders
Provided support services for eight USPS mobile vehicle repair facilities, main post offices and stationery vehicle facilities, environmental waste handling audit, prepared reports and services for correcting deficiencies. Client: United States Postal Service (USPS)
Provided support services for environmental health and safety audits and reporting for eleven hospitals in California and Arizona. Client: Catholic Healthcare West
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: RMR Construction
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring at several bridges on Sacramento Delta and Orinda. Collected personal and perimeter air samples for total lead during lead abatement. Client: Redwood Painting
Performed Phase III environmental site investigation in support of RCRA closure of a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility. Provided support services for preparation of closure report to Department of Toxic Substance Control. Site obtained closure from DTSC. Client: H&H Ship Service
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: BCCI Construction
Performed environmental site assessment at a 50-story office building in San Francisco, California in support of a real estate transaction. Client: William Wilson Associates, Inc.
Developed environmental health and safety policy and procedures program for hard drive disk manufacturer in Silicon Valley. The H&S program included training guides, written environmental and safety procedures. Client: Western Digital Corporation
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: Turner Construction
Removed 1,200-gallon underground storage tank, included obtaining permits and coordinating with subcontractors. Excavation and sampling of contaminated soil and preparation of closure report. Received site closure. Client: Zelerbach Family Fund
Performed environmental site assessment. Four-story office building in San Francisco, California in support of a real estate transaction. Client: The Rosenberg Company
Industrial Hygiene air monitoring for several remediation, tenant improvement, and demolition projects in San Francisco and Oakland. Collected area and perimeter air samples for asbestos during these projects. Client: Principal Builders
Performed environmental site assessment, which includes asbestos and lead sampling of fish-packing plant and five surrounding buildings, in support of a real estate transaction and property renovations. Client: Moss Landing Harbor District
Performed environmental site assessment, which included electronics manufacturer facility, which included asbestos and lead sampling of a warehouse and office building. Performed environmental site assessment for a property transaction. Client: Sun Hing, Inc.
Environmental site assessment for a 6-story retail building in support of demolition and renovations. Client: DPR Construction.
Performed environmental site assessment and environmental health and safety audit of microchip circuit board manufacturer for compliance with lease terms.
Collected samples of wastewater discharge and drums of hazardous waste as part of compliance verification. Site assessment and audit were in support of verification that manufacturer was complying with lease terms. Client: Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe
Prepared quarterly ground water monitoring reports for petroleum release associated with an underground storage tank remediation. Client: Conway, Inc.
Prepared a guidance manual for storage of hazardous materials for a biotech manufacturing and supply company. Manual was to provide customers with a hazardous materials cabinet to aid in the storage for only compatible hazardous materials in the cabinets. Client: BioRad
Removed 2,000-gallon underground storage tank at 100 Folsom. Obtained permits and coordinated with subcontractors. Excavation sampling and disposal of contaminated soil, preparation of closure reports. Received closure. Client: L. Myers Company
Prepared U.S. EPA bi-annual toxic release inventory report for a microchip manufacturer in Silicon Valley. Client: Sumitomo, Inc.
Performed environmental site assessment for two auto body shops in Sunnyvale, California and San Ramon, California in support of a business merger and property sale. Client: M2 Automotive
Review of environmental sampling data on wetlands restoration project for determination of disposal of excavated soil. Client: Cal Trans
Assessment of compliance with Oil Pollution Control Act with a ship demolition yard in San Francisco. Provided support services to the shipyard for a notice of violation and abatement order for the shipyard. Client: Astoria Metals Corporation
Environmental investigation and soil characterization of soil in support of construction project in San Francisco. Three-level basement parking with a 17-story apartment building. Included construction-dewatering permit in compliance with NPDES permit requirement. Direct project oversight and excavation removal and transportation of 45,000 cubic yards of lead contaminated soil from the construction site. Prepared a health and safety plan for the soil remediation, performed air monitoring for total lead and total dust while the remediation was in progress. Client: Reliance Development, Inc.
Environmental site assessment for a 6-story warehouse, parking lot, and two-story office building in support of a real estate transaction. Client: The Rosenberg Company
Removed 500-gallon underground storage tank at 1920 Post in San Francisco. Obtained permits and coordinated with subcontractors and regulatory agencies. Excavation, sampling, and disposal of contaminated soil, prepared closure reports to the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Received closure. Prepared and submitted application for underground storage tank reimbursement fund to the State of California for the client. Client: Tanaka
Prepared requirements for wastewater discharging from truck-washes at four facilities in Washington and California. Client: National Park Service
Performed oversight for a 1,500-gallon underground storage tank upgrade. Included excavation of petroleum impacted soil and installation of secondary containment piping and all associated regulatory requirements. Received closure and certificate of upgrade compliance. Client: Freemont Investors
Performed compliance management system upgrade. Compliance management system is environmental and health and safety software that allows companies to track its environmental health and safety compliance. Client: Altamont Landfill, Waste Management, Inc.
Prepared and developed storm water pollution prevention plan and storm water monitoring plan for a 550-acre aerospace facility. Facility manufactured and tested explosive ignition switches for aerospace industry. Prepared erosion control plan in response cleanup order to limit the discharge of heavy metals from the testing of the products manufactured. Client: OEA Aerospace
Prepared and developed storm water pollution prevention plan and storm water monitoring plan for a 43-acre construction site. The project was located on contaminated land that was being redeveloped by the University of California San Francisco. The project included the placement of 420,000 cubic yards of imported soil to provide a cover. Prepared SWPPP and erosion control plan in compliance with the San Francisco Regional Water Quality control Boards approved Risk Management Plan for the Mission Bay. Client: UCSF
Prepared, developed and design the storm water pollution prevention plan and storm water monitoring plan for a 48-acre closed landfill and rock crushing and recycling center. The project was located on the closed Winton Ave Landfill that is in the process of closing and placing the final landfill cover. The project includes the placement of 800,000 cubic yards of imported soil to provide a final cover and the ongoing operations of the rock crushing and recycling plant. Prepared SWPPP and erosion control plan in compliance with the San Francisco Regional Water Quality control Boards cleanup order to limit the discharge of sedimentation into the adjacent wetlands and San Francisco Bay Estuary and complete the final cover of the closed landfill. Client: Alameda County
Written, implemented and audited approximately 15 facilities for SWPPP plans and compliance. These include, a 53-acre Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations, Solid Waste Landfills, Material Recovery Facilities and fueling and Maintenance facilities throughout California, Hawaii and New Mexico.
Personal air monitoring for metal working fluids and solvents for a sonogram manufacturer in Silicon Valley. Prepared job safety analysis on employees that were having the exposure monitoring performed. Prepared report along with job safety analysis to client. Client: Acuson, Inc.
Performed environmental soil sampling and prepared a report on the contamination at the MUNI Metro Turnaround, at the Failon Loop. Client: San Francisco MUNI
Prepared a report on the excessive litter that was being generated from the Bulk Mail Center and wrote a letter of recommendations for solutions for limiting the amount of litter going into the adjacent wetlands. Client: United States Postal Service
Prepared a waste characterization audit on seven facilities. Included the Bulk Mail Center, Main Post Offices, and Vehicle Repair Center. Included the review of Postal Service’s policies and procedures on waste characterization and disposal and handling procedures. Wrote up reports for each facility to document the corrective measures that needed to be implemented, and wrote and prepared new policies and procedures for waste characterization and waste disposals and waste handling at each of the facilities. Client: United States Postal Service
Plastic injection molding manufacturer. Performed environmental site assessment at the facility for property transaction and a business merger. Also prepared environmental health and safety audit on the manufacturing process and systems in place at the plastic injection-molding manufacturer for the new owners of the business. Client: MOS Plastics
Prepared application for the facility for its drinking water well for the County of Fresno. Included drinking water well sampling, set up of analytical laboratory for monthly water sampling, preparation of plans for the drinking water well, preparation of application to operate a drinking water well for a non-community drinking water system. Client: Foster Farms
Prepared spill-prevention control and countermeasures plan for bulk storage of vegetable oil and diesel at the facility. Plan included written procedures and policies for spill prevention, as well as recommendations on secondary containment to meet hazardous materials business plan requirements as well as 40CFR, Part 112. Client: Foster Farms
Compliance management system upgrade. Upgrade included environmental health and safety programs and policies of the facility. Client: Empire Waste Management
Soil investigation. Investigation included the delineation of improperly disposed of hazardous waste at the landfill for abatement and removal to the proper TSDF. Client: Altamont Landfill, Waste Management, Inc.
Soil sampling and waste characterization from excavation of foundation for the construction of a new Department of Motor Vehicles facility in Oakland. Included preparation of waste profile and transportation of the waste to an appropriate landfill. Client: Oakland Department of Motor Vehicles
Asbestos sampling and building survey for renovation of facilities at Mare Island. Client: Touro College
Environmental site assessment for the property transaction. Soil investigation for proposed construction project, which included waste characterization of soil to be excavated. Preparation of site mitigation plan for the removal of the lead-contaminated soil at the property. Preparation of a health and safety plan for worker protection during the remediation and excavation of the lead contaminated soil. Personal and perimeter airborne air monitoring for lead and total dust during the remediation and excavation of contaminated soil. Preparation of a site closure report to the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Preparation of and obtaining of a wastewater discharge permit for construction dewatering at the site. Client: Chariot SVN, LLC
Support services for building demolition of a beryllium parts manufacturing plant. Included ground water monitoring system and initial site investigation. Client: Lockheed Martin
Prepared soil-sampling plan for wetlands restoration. Performed soil sampling and preparation of site mitigation plan for excavation and disposal and waste characterization of soil for wetlands restoration project. Client: City of San Rafael
Prepared soil sampling and waste characterization of soil cuttings in support of construction activities. Client: Redwood City Plaza Development
Prepared an environmental site assessment of five buildings at the SFJCC, including an asbestos and lead paint assessment in support of building demolition. Client: San Francisco Jewish Community Center
Prepared an environmental soil characterization and investigation for the disposal of approximately 2,500 cubic yards in support of construction services. Oversaw the remediation removal of lead-contaminated soil at the site. Preparation of health and safety plan for soil remediation. Air monitoring for total dust and total lead during remediation. Preparation of soil sampling plan for new building development for the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Performed soil sampling and prepared site mitigation plan for the construction of the new building. Sampled and waste characterized sandblast grit from the renovation of the Baker Hamilton building, and transportation and disposal of the sandblast grit. Oversaw the removal of 2,000-gallon underground storage tank at the Baker Hamilton building. Included excavation of large plume associated with the unauthorized release of petroleum at the site. Client: Baker Hamilton Properties, LLC
Wetlands remediation, San Francisco Bay Area, California - Project manager for site remediation of 4.3 acres of wetlands that had been filled by a municipality with 24,000 yards of solid and some hazardous waste. Project included loading, transporting, and final disposal of the waste. Through planning and segregation, approximately 40 percent of the waste could be recycled and diverted from landfilling. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Underground storage tank projects, Hayward, California - Assisted in tank removal and groundwater remediation of old Waste Management of Alameda County facility located in old bay fill zone. Received site closure from Alameda County Environmental Health Department. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Underground storage tank projects, Oakland, California - Project manager for tank removal and soil remediation at maintenance facility for Waste Management of Alameda County. Received site closure from Alameda County Environmental Health Department. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Underground storage tank projects, Oakland, California - Project manager for onsite tank closure of old lube bay oil storage tanks. Received closure from Alameda County Environmental Health Department. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial hygiene surveys, Oakland, California - Conducted air sampling for total and respirable dust in heavy-duty maintenance facility. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial hygiene surveys, Oakland, California - Conducted air sampling for volatile organic compounds in heavy-duty maintenance facility. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial hygiene surveys, Oakland, California - Conducted air sampling for metal fumes in heavy duty maintenance facility. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial hygiene surveys, San Leandro, California - Conducted air sampling for metal fumes in container repair shop. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial hygiene surveys, Hanford, California - Conducted air sampling for total and respirable dust in indoor trash separation lines. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Industrial ventilation project, Oakland, California - Using results of industrial air monitoring at heavy duty maintenance facility, initiated, developed and constructed computerized controlled industrial ventilation system that produced six air changes per hour in the 1,300,000-cubic-foot facility. The system included dilution ventilation and local exhaust to maximize energy efficiency and system effectiveness. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Installation of truck steam cleaning facility, Oakland, California - Initiated, developed, constructed, and installed truck steam cleaning facility with water recycling system, which eliminated solvents in maintenance shop and all federal hazardous waste generated at facility. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Site remediation projects, Hayward, California - Assisted in oversight of two site remediation projects for sale of WMI properties. Projects included site surveys, coordination of facility cleanup, and soil and groundwater testing. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
Wrote, implemented and audited approximately 15 facilities for SPCC plans and compliance. These include, a 53-acre Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations, Solid Waste Landfills, Material Recovery Facilities and fueling and Maintenance facilities throughout California, Hawaii and New Mexico.
Redesign of facility truck parking lot, Oakland, California - Project manager for coordinating redesign and rebuilding of 8-acre parking lot for 325 garbage trucks to improve productivity, efficiency, and reduction of storm water runoff at facility. Client: Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.