EnviroNova provides a broad range of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) consulting and services in the Bay Area.
- Hazardous Materials Testing including Asbestos, Lead, and PCBs
- Water, Soil, and Air Sampling and Characterization
- Mold and Water Density Testing for Pre and Post Abatement Projects
- Oversight Air Monitoring of Abatement Projects
- BAAQMD Compliance and Regulation
- Health and Safety Plans
- Dust Mitigation Plans
- Storm Water Prevention Plans
- LEED Air Monitoring and Certifications
- Construction Health and Safety Management
- Training Courses for Asbestos and Lead Awareness
- Investigative IAQ Sampling
- Hazardous Materials Closure Plans

We value our client’s well-being and success and strive to create partnerships to find innovative EHS solutions. EnviroNova provides services that comply with federal and state regulations, protects workers, and benefits the whole of the company and its success.
Our clients which include major construction, real estate, and private companies have worked with us for over fourteen years. Work with us, and find out why.
Our Services and Core Competencies Include

Independent Surveys and Assessments
We have worked with both California and federal environmental regulatory agencies and boast of an enviable reputation for working on a large number of corporations, large and small across numerous industries.

Our Partnerships
We create partnerships with our clients to build state-of-the-art environmental health and safety programs and also provide independent surveys and assessments when needed. We’ve worked with most of our clients for many years. Once you’ve hired our team for a service, you’ll find out why!